Orion Animal Hospital

3 Things You Need to Get Right to Be the Best Fur-Parent You Can Be

Few things are as fun and rewarding as caring for a pet. They offer infinite amounts of light and love to the household and ask for little more than your care and affection in return. Not only that, but they also bring to the table some very cool health benefits that you surely don’t want to miss out on, such as keeping blood pressure levels and heart disease at bay, to name a few. Moreover, they also offer emotional support, which can do wonders for your stress and anxiety levels, mental health, and overall well-being.

Indeed, there’s no denying the power of pets, but the truth is that pet ownership is also not for everyone. Living with a pet is, in fact, a lifelong commitment, which is why you really need to consider factors like costs, your home, your lifestyle, and more to determine if it’s a commitment you want to make — and it doesn’t end there. For a truly harmonious and mutually beneficial life with your pet, it’s important not just to be on the right mindset, but also to:

Get the right pet.

Yes, your choice of pet matters. Just like any relationship, there must be compatibility between you and your pet, and more often than not, this goes beyond looks. As such, it’s a good idea to do your due diligence before choosing a pet. Pay close attention to size, breed, temperament, health predispositions, and exercise requirements to see how these parameters measure up to your own lifestyle, available space at home, physical fitness, and the like.

Of course, dogs and cats are generally the obvious choices. However, other species are also worthy of consideration, especially as some of them — like birds, rabbits, hamsters, and even fish — may be more in tune with your needs and wants. In fact, other animals will likely be more appropriate if you have allergies or simply want a pet that’s more low maintenance.

Get the right stuff.

Moving on, the new addition to your household will inevitably need the right supplies. Not only will the right gear ensure that your pet has their basic needs met, but it also helps them acclimatize to the new environment that is your home. At the most fundamental level, supplies such as food and water bowls, collars and leashes, litter boxes, and beds are must-haves.

Equally as important to your pet are toys. These have been known to help fight boredom in pets, plus they also make great tools for training and discipline. It goes without saying that toys will contribute greatly to make your pet a well-adjusted one. Other benefits like keeping your own stuff safe from overzealous chewing are also welcome.

Get the right help.

Finally, don’t underestimate the fact that caring for a pet will require a considerable measure of work. This can be even more of a challenge when you work full time or travel a lot. Thankfully, there are nifty services that you can leverage these days to ensure that you can stay on top of your pet’s needs — as well as your home’s — despite your busy schedule.

With a pet at home, you will likely be confronted with myriad messes that you can’t always address. However, leaving them unchecked might also be detrimental to your health, which is why it’s a good idea to consider cleaning services that can remove allergy-causing dander from furniture upholstery and the like, usually at a nominal fee. To illustrate, the cost to hire a maid service in Orion Township to clean your home’s interior is typically between $75 and $199.

You also don’t have to worry about leaving your pet behind when you have to go out of town. These days, it’s easy enough to find a local pet sitter online, so make sure to do your research and check out reviews and credentials to ensure that your pet is in great hands while you’re away. According to PetHelpful, pet sitters can charge anywhere from $10 to $20 per hour, so it’s important to budget for this expense beforehand.

Indeed, having a pet is one of the most rewarding and enriching relationships you will ever have, but only if you do it right. So, heed these foolproof tips to make your journey into pet ownership a successful one. Your life will be all the better for it.

Photo via Pexels

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